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Personal Project
This project is based off of A previous project I had created when I was in 8th grade.

This is the completed design from rhino, which was printed off in single color vinyl. The blue lines were used to help me weed out the design.
In Rhino I created an offset around the skeleton, and I copied the flowers on the skull and put them onto the shoulder region.

So for this I took the rose branch that was on the head and moved it to the shoulder region. I also created an offset around that rose branch which connected to the offset around the skull design. After completing this step I selected everything on rhino and and exported it.
From this
To this

This was the first imported design from rhino. I imported the original design to see if there would be any issues that I would have to deal with. I also filled in the objects while it was in corel. After completing the full design in rhino I exported it into corel.

After importing everything, I changed the color to an actual black. I also changed the offset line to a red color, went to properties, and then made the line thickness to hairline.
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