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what I did:

project 1:
"Get Star-
ted" is located
right here.
The first thing I did was opened the program and then clicked "get started"
It'll take you to this page, which will be the image located below this text. Then you will want to click on new document and you can make your work space the size you want. I usually go with the default measurements.

This is where you'll want to click for a new document
I created two rectangles and the purpose I had in my mind with them was the make a label design. the first rectangle is 4.72 by 1.329 and I made it black, and the second one is 4 by 1.619 and made it orange. I was able to make them those colors by clicking on the rectangle and going to the right side of the screen where there are these color blocks.
However I wanted the orange to be on top of the black. I went to the right side of the screen where it says "objects. I clicked and held onto the black rectangle layer and moved it below the orange rectangle layer.

These are the measurements that I typically use

this is the color palette and you could choose any color you want.
This is the design I had in mind.

I then found this crow image an wanted to incorporate it into my label. I went to export and chose the crow image. I then clicked trace bitmap and adjusted the setting so the image is properly traced. I then Put the traced image onto the orange rectangle.

I then added text that says "karasuno High school" in the font of Naomi's handwriting. I did click on the option artistic text instead of paragraph. I added the number three at the bottom right corner.

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